Regenerative Thinking
in Action!
An individual coaching and mentoring program to put you on the fast track to a world of opportunity.
Today’s rich smorgasbord of regenerative solutions offers:
More business opportunity
More impact
More career opportunity
More fun
Explore for your opportunities and start turning them into action…

Explore the regeneration game today
“We’re in the early stages of a technology-led sustainability revolution that has the scale of the industrial revolution and the pace of the digital revolution.”
– Al Gore

50+ years of “sustainability” solutions are going global…
You wouldn’t know it from the news headlines – but hundreds of proven, sustainable solutions are commercially available today.
They’re solutions that do a whole lot more than just “resolve the climate crisis”.
They’re solutions that address a broad spectrum of environmental and social issues – from deforestation and ocean plastics to poverty and gender equity.
Today’s commercial solutions are not just “technically feasible” – they save money, make money, create jobs, restore ecosystems and multiply business innovation.
Opportunities are everywhere
Career opportunities, business opportunities, community development opportunities.
How do you find them?
It starts with knowing where to look…
There are three keys to uncovering regenerative business opportunity…
Take a BROADER design perspective – applying proven commercial principles and approaches.
Deliver solutions that REGENERATE ecosystems, communities and local economies.
Deliver solutions that REGENERATE ecosystems, communities and local economies.

Level up from “sustainability”!
DON’T MISS OUT on your opportunities because you’ve assumed that fixing “the environment” is up to big government and big business.
The name of today’s game is planetary regeneration – and anyone can play.

We have the technology…
Long before THE LIMITS TO GROWTH was published in 1972, the world’s inventors, entrepreneurs and early adopters were building a wealth of smarter solutions. So today we have:
Design solutions like Cradle to Cradle, Biomimicry and Circular Economy
Implementation solutions like Systems Thinking and Neuroeconomics
Technology solutions like Smart Microgrids and Regenerative Agriculture
The core work of regeneration is business innovation – upgrading the supply chains and production systems that deliver the products and services we use every day.
That means there’s a wealth of business, career and community development opportunity on offer – right now!
How do you find YOUR piece of the action?
There’s a whole-of-economy revolution building.
There’s SO MUCH going on and SO MANY opportunities that it’s hard to know where to start.
There are new business models, new technologies, new economic theories – but which ones will add value to your career, your life, your industry and your community?
Where do you stand? What’s relevant to you? What’s the best option for the impact you want to create in your life and your community?
It’s like you need a whole extra brain – and a spare twenty years to study up.
Or maybe you just need the right guide?

Hi, I’m Leigh Baker

I’ve spent 30+ years working in industry – and 20 of those years in Australian factories and warehouses doing technology innovation – plus 10 years in coaching and writing about sustainability solutions.
What I’ve learned since I caught the “sustainability bug” in 2002 is that:
We may face big challenges BUT we already have all the commercial design solutions and technology we need – today.
The solutions we have today create great ROIs for those who invest in them strategically and consistently.
The solutions we have today offer a growing smorgasbord of high-impact career and business opportunities.
The solutions we have today ALSO deliver on making the world better today, regenerating ecosystems and communities.
This means that there’s no better time to explore the regeneration game and scan for your opportunities.
Learn just what YOU need to know to explore for YOUR opportunities – with a 1-on-1 REGENERATIVE THINKING IN ACTION program.

What’s the scope of today’s regenerative solutions?
The range of possibilities is awesome:

Project Drawdown’s modelling has identified 93 commercial climate solutions available globally – in industries from transport to agriculture to education to forestry.

Project Regeneration’s action Nexus lists 27 challenges and 74 solution sets actionable by individuals and communities that make the world better TODAY.

Circular Economy and Biomimicry innovation offers industry billion dollar global savings PER ANNUM!

The solutions we have turn the world on its head
They’re built on a new perspective:
The work of business is to make the world better – to REGENERATE the ecosystems and communities that it cannot exist without.
The solutions are NOT rocket science. however, sorting the useful fundamentals from the wealth of possibilities can be challenging.
The design solution sets behind them include: Circular Economy, Biomimicry, Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation, Shared Value, Doughnut Economics, Systems Thinking, Natural Capitalism, and many more.

Regenerate YOUR future
as well as the planet…
“First we’ll build it, THEN we’ll fix it” is just plain bad design.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s your home, your business, your career or your community.
If you don’t design what you want in from the ground up, you will spend a lot of money, time and energy retrofitting.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s an energy-efficient house or a business that make the world better.
“Begin with the end in mind…”

Be part of the growing regenerative economy
As a Regenerative Business entrepreneur – or intrapreneur – you’ll start to see the world through new eyes, using a new mindset.
You won’t be stuck in unthinking resentment of the status quo – because you have a new vantage point from which to develop new opportunities.
“Don’t fight the existing system, work to make it irrelevant.”
Buckminster Fuller
Your career will be based on making the world of business actively regenerative, not just a bit less harmful.

Get a head start on the growing sustainability revolution
When you understand the design thinking and innovation skills happening today, then you give yourself an UNFAIR advantage.
Why? Because you have a wealth of smart strategies and practices at your fingertips.
And there’s more…
You’ve joined a world of can-do people. You’re operating in a world of innovators and entrepreneurs who are as committed to a sustainable future as they are to making their dreams into reality.
Your business career will no longer be ‘just’ about a product or service. The mindsets and skills of regenerative innovation are about delivering lasting, sustainable value to the world.
You will be able to identify and work on projects that light you up and turn you on – instead of spending time and energy on ineffective, scarcity-based “shoulds” that leave you uninspired and frustrated.
Because you’re having fun, making a new career or growing a new business, you’ll attract others into the game. Which will transform your world – MUCH faster than you can imagine.

Don’t miss out on YOUR piece of….
“The biggest business opportunity in human history”

What changes when you develop a regenerative OPPORTUNITY perspective ?

You start to see smarter, high-impact opportunities AND

You see ways to turn them into solutions faster.
You find new options relevant to your skills, your industry and your community.

You didn’t need to understand the internal combustion engine to drive your first car.
You DID need to know how to use the accelerator, brakes and mirrors.
You DID need to understand the road rules to avoid collisions.
You DID need to practice to turn your new knowledge into skill.
REGENERATIVE THINKING IN ACTION will give you the basic frameworks and skills that you need so that you can explore for your opportunities.

Fast track your exploration
REGENERATIVE THINKING IN ACTION is an individual online coaching & mentoring program – so you can quickly find out what you need to know and get on with changing your world for the better

6 online coaching/mentoring sessions (to be used within 6 months of payment).
Relevant activity guides and worksheets to further practice your analysis skills.
Resources lists of useful and inspiring content – audio and written – tailored to you.
A chat facility so you can ask extra questions and test ideas between calls.
2 FREE 30 minute follow up calls to further consolidate your learning and opportunities.
A 10% discount on any future Think Act Regenerate programs you find useful.
AU $599
REGENERATIVE THINKING IN ACTION will help you to align your interests, your place, your work and your passions with great solutions and effective action.
It will get you started on your regenerative journey – and help move you from resentful despair to constructive, courageous, practical, positive, business innovation.

“Regeneration is not only about bringing the world back to life; it is about bringing each one of us back to life.
It has meaning and scope; it expresses faith and kindness; it involves imagination and creativity. It is inclusive, engaging, and generous. And everyone can do it.“
So what exactly is the program about?
As your personal accelerator program, REGENERATIVE THINKING IN ACTION is really all about YOU!
However it is structured around 3 core themes:

To change the world, you need a new perspective. Today’s regenerative design principles will help you uncover new career and business opportunities.

Uncover leverage points and create real transformation.
Successful innovation adoption is a learnable skill that increases results and impact.

Develop your power to deliver more impact today using the solutions we have today. Apply regenerative innovation to your life and work.