Think Act Regenerate
is about uncovering today’s opportunities…
because the commercial solutions scaling globally today are WAY too good to miss out on!
No obligation / a world of possibility

Think Act Regenerate
is about uncovering today’s opportunities…
because the commercial solutions scaling globally today are WAY too good to miss out on!
No obligation / a world of possibility

There’s a world of business and career opportunity in the regenerative business game
The goal of Think Act Regenerate is to accelerate you into the opportunity fast lane..

As a supply chain analyst, coach and regenerative business strategist:
I’ll guide you through the top design solutions and strategies scaling commercially today.
I’ll help you align today’s solutions with your personal, business and career goals.
We’ll audit your innovation delivery knowledge base for today’s skills and tools.
You gain access to more rewarding, high-impact opportunities more quickly.
And join the positive tribe of can-do solutionists building a brighter future today.
My distilled experience means you can multiply your impact, your opportunities – and your success.
Here are the key points of
my journey so far….
It was in 1985 that I began my journey into the supply chain work that led on to sustainability.
I’d finished my studies in computer systems management and joined the IT team of an Australian pharmaceutical manufacturer as an analyst/programmer.
It was the start of 30+ years of real world experience in factories, offices and warehouses – innovating the business systems that deliver the products and services we use every day.
I developed a deep, practical understanding of the complex human systems we call “business” and “industry”.
I worked on business applications that managed everything – from making headache tablets and scheduling pharmacy deliveries to running a Share Registry and collecting Debtors.
During that seven years in local manufacturing, I also “worked” as an owner-builder.
After 6 years of serious hard work – through holidays, weekends, evenings – we finished our bush home.
It gave me massive insight into just how much goes into every built structure – time, energy, money, resources, passion, expertise.
In 1993 I crossed to the software supply side, working for a software supplier installing manufacturing and distribution systems.
Instead of seeing one business in detail, I was seeing lots of them – from ice cream and cardboard manufacture to electronics wholesaling.
I saw ALL of the business, implementing modules from purchasing and planning to debtors and general ledger.
I did industry certification in Production and Inventory Management – the global principles and best practice for making and delivering products and services.
As a supply chain systems consultant, I gained massive insight to what REALLY happens behind the shop front – and where the power to change ecosystem impact lies.
I started investigating “the human in the equation” – especially the business innovation equation – leading to NLP Master Practitioner certification.
The majority of the IT problems I saw (some horrendously expensive) were to do with the “soft stuff” NOT the technology.
I started freelancing in 1998 as Baker Consulting Services (not the most imaginative name – but a start).
My work was still with manufacturing and distribution businesses – specialising in supply chain planning to maximise the benefits of their Y2K-induced software upgrades.
How the products we use every day actually get made is endlessly fascinating.
In 2001 I decided to find out how this thing called “the Internet” applied to coaching and consulting in industry – by doing a Graduate Diploma in eBusiness.
I learn lots about eCommerce, business and the Internet – and built my first website.
(And along the way, a “chance encounter” early in that Grad Dip created a whole new direction in my life. )
On a break during the eBusiness Grad Dip, there was an announcement. The University was offering some new units on Sustainability in Business and they were looking for candidates.
I was interested – and I didn’t even know why!?!?
I decided to find out – and ended up helping to write the first 2 units of the course as part of that Grad Dip!
Coaching gave me yet another fascinating insider perspective on how business REALLY works.
It reinforced just how much human behaviour influences – and limits – business innovation.
In 2004, a new opportunity opened up to explore the management side of business – working as a leadership coach in a franchise.
It combined my undergraduate Psychology studies with my business experience and NLP qualifications.
Baker Consulting Services turned into Balance3 – both to support this business model and my growing work on the three dimensions of sustainability.
As a coach, I worked with Australian business managers on building their personal sustainability and their leadership skills.
It was a different level of insight into the business side of “this sustainability thing”, too.
Throughout my explorations into business sustainability, I’d been searching for the right book to give my busy business coaching clients.
The exciting, innovative approaches of Natural Capitalism, Cradle to Cradle Design, Systems Thinking and Biomimicry connected deeply with everything I’d seen in factories and warehouses around Australia.
But all the books on the innovation potential and the high-impact opportunities were massive – and most of them started with stories of terrifying futures.
So in 2009 I wrote my own 90-page opportunity summary – the original Deep Green Profit Handbook – and launched it at the International Coaching Federation’s Australian conference.
2010 was the year when I moved beyond talking about “sustainability” to regeneration
I started Regenerative Business streams on platforms including LinkedIn.
I added to my understanding of human systems with a Diploma of Ontological Coaching. That led me into the fascinating generative innovation toolset.
And the further I got into sustainability, regeneration and innovation, the more I realised that there were some serious communications issues that needed work.
So in 2010, I started a regenerative business newsletter.
In 2017, Project Drawdown published their first round of modelling on REVERSING GLOBAL WARMING using existing commercial solutions
It was the first ever attempt to answer “is this fixable?” – and they found a wealth of solutions that surprised even the researchers.
Even more interesting were their findings that the top solutions offered multiple benefits AND some really big bottom line business savings.
DRAWDOWN convinced me (even further) that regenerative business solutions needed better advocacy – and much more attention to the wealth of business opportunities they offer.
The Balance3 Update newsletter became Regenerative Thinking in Action.
Because I was increasingly convinced that we have all the regenerative design solutions we need.
What we really need is more focus on HOW to turn them into commercial action and business innovation – at scale!
I put what I learned into a re-vamp of the Balance3 website.
In the process, I wrote An Entrepreneur’s Guide to the Regenerative Economy on entrepreneurial opportunities in delivering a sustainable future.
I kept having conversations with sustainability people about “why don’t [the government/ business/ people] take action?”
Those repeated conversations – on innovating the human systems we call “business” and “the supply chain” – turned into a new blog.
The REAL inconvenient truth is that the human race is an inconvenient SPECIES.
Leigh Baker
It explored the applications of today’s rich behavioural science knowledge base to the business of regeneration.
In March 2021, I started a podcast with a focus on regenerative regional, economic climate solutions – REGENOMICS DOWN UNDER.
In June 2021, I published an email course for SME business called The Deep Green Profit INSIGHTS.
It integrated the original book content with 10+ years of ongoing design and implementation into a straightforward 12-part business email series
Further inspiration – and confirmation of my thinking about regenerative business -came in September of 2021.
Project Regeneration was launched – cataloguing a wealth of career, community and SME solutions opportunity.
(There are 200+ million SMEs globally – that’s potentially a massive regenerative business impact.)
In a great conversation at the start of 2023, it suddenly became obvious that my growing range of ideas were different perspectives on one primary issue – accelerating the shift to regenerative business.
All my content – about the “how’s” of turning regenerative design and strategy into business action – came together under a single brand with a more coherent theme.
And in 2024, I updated from Balance3 to:
Think Act Regenerate

So whether you’re anxious, ambitious, frustrated or entrepreneurial you can explore for your opportunities to Think Broader, Act Deeper and Regenerate Your World – TODAY!

Fast track your exploration
REGENERATIVE THINKING IN ACTION is an individual online coaching & mentoring program – so you can quickly find out what you need to know and get on with changing your world for the better

6 online coaching/mentoring sessions (to be used within 6 months of payment).
Relevant activity guides and worksheets to further practice your analysis skills.
Resources lists of useful and inspiring content – audio and written – tailored to you.
A chat facility so you can ask extra questions and test ideas between calls.
2 FREE 30 minute follow up calls to further consolidate your learning and opportunities.
A 10% discount on any future Think Act Regenerate programs you find useful.
What’s your investment?
AU $599
REGENERATIVE THINKING IN ACTION will help you to align your interests, your place, your work and your passions with great solutions and effective action.
It will get you started on your regenerative journey – and it could well move you from resentful despair to constructive, courageous, practical, positive, business action.

Want to know more about the regeneration game?
Get the free Think Act Regenerate INSIGHTS in your Inbox and start exploring for your potential business and career opportunities.