Think Act Regenerate
Tools for enabling innovation in HUMAN systems…
Tools for enabling innovation in HUMAN systems…
Bill McDonough’s pitch for Ford Dearborn’s green roof – and the skill you can learn using resources like Oren Klaff’s PITCH ANYTHING.
If you’re blinded by old assumptions – like environment=cost then you can miss out on big opportunities – in your career, your business and your community.
Find your regeneration opportunities using this adaptation of an Ikigai/purpose diagram.
Every job can be a regenerative job – and today’s solutions offer some great career development opportunities.
Seeing the systems you’re part of multipliers your ability to innovation. Meet three key Systems Thinking developers in person – thanks to the power of video.
IF you really want to change the world – change an entrepreneur’s thinking about “this environment thing”.
We’re an inconvenient SPECIES! (Adapted from “Thriving in a world of Inconvenient Humans” originally posted on the blog An Inconvenient Species.) We’re not in an…
Understanding how human behaviour can be engineered means that regenerative change-makers can be more influential.
Some of my favourite resources for those prepared to go beyond “should” and apply behavioural science to their innovation projects.
Changing the behaviour of the human systems we call “business” and “the economy” needs 21st century behavioural science to accelerate the commercial solutions scaling globally today.
Tune your brain to solutions stories – for inspiration and opportunity.
All too often, Myers-Briggs gets used to label and limit. Get past its corporate HR misuses and it’s a valuable tool in innovation delivery.
Get the FREE Think Act Regenerate INSIGHTS in your Inbox. Start exploring the business and career opportunities that today’s smarter design principles are driving.
(Insights and tools are delivered in 12 emails over 6 weeks)
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