THINK ACT REGENERATE is a podcast by Leigh Baker of ThinkActRegenerate which explores the wealth of regenerative design solutions happening on the ground in Australia and New Zealand, as well as around the world.
Want a materials solution that replaces fossil-based styrofoam with a compostable alternative AND reduces greenhouse gases by turning agricultural “waste” into valuable packaging?
It’s being delivered in Melbourne – by mushrooms. Not the “fruit” that we eat as mushrooms – but the mycellium root system that they grow on.
Today we talk with Amanda Morgan of Fungi Solutions about how they’re turning wastes into beautiful, elegant packaging solutions.
Join us to hear more about the future of myco-materials …
Fungi Solutions website: https://www.fungisolutions.com.au/
Amanda’s Mycellium Made video from Nice Film Co: https://www.nicefilm.co/work/mycelium-made
No More Butts – action for a butt-free Australia: https://nomorebutts.org.au/home
Butt Out Australia – specialist cigarette butt disposal equipment: https://buttoutaustralia.com.au/
Victorian Sustainability Waste Data: https://www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/research-data-and-insights/waste-data
MYCOmmunity Applied Mycology Lab: https://myco.org.au/
Project Regeneration’s Waste Nothing action list: https://regeneration.org/nexus/wasting-nothing
The Circular Economy in Victoria: https://www.cev.org.au/
Biomimicry innovation inspired by Nature: https://biomimicry.net/and also https://asknature.org/
Paul Hawken quote on “what you should do”: https://leighbaker.com.au/what-should-you-do-about-global-warming
Original music and audio editing assistance by Ian Hopkinson, Human Hacker https://www.humanhackers.live/blog and serial digital entrepreneur.

(Recorded prior to Think Act Regenerate launch in 2024)
Want a materials solution that replaces fossil-based styrofoam with a compostable alternative AND reduces greenhouse gases by turning agricultural “waste” into valuable packaging?
It’s being delivered in Melbourne – by mushrooms. Not the “fruit” that we eat as mushrooms – but the mycellium root system that they grow on.
Today we talk with Amanda Morgan of Fungi Solutions about how they’re turning wastes into beautiful, elegant packaging solutions.
Join us to hear more about the future of myco-materials …
Fungi Solutions website: https://www.fungisolutions.com.au/
Amanda’s Mycellium Made video from Nice Film Co: https://www.nicefilm.co/work/mycelium-made
No More Butts – action for a butt-free Australia: https://nomorebutts.org.au/home
Butt Out Australia – specialist cigarette butt disposal equipment: https://buttoutaustralia.com.au/
Victorian Sustainability Waste Data: https://www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/research-data-and-insights/waste-data
MYCOmmunity Applied Mycology Lab: https://myco.org.au/
Project Regeneration’s Waste Nothing action list: https://regeneration.org/nexus/wasting-nothing
The Circular Economy in Victoria: https://www.cev.org.au/
Biomimicry innovation inspired by Nature: https://biomimicry.net/and also https://asknature.org/
Paul Hawken quote on “what you should do”: https://leighbaker.com.au/what-should-you-do-about-global-warming
Original music and audio editing assistance by Ian Hopkinson, Human Hacker https://www.humanhackers.live/blog and serial digital entrepreneur.