THINK ACT REGENERATE is a podcast by Leigh Baker of ThinkActRegenerate which explores the wealth of regenerative design solutions happening on the ground in Australia and New Zealand, as well as around the world.
In this episode of Regenomics Down Under, we take a quick (ish) tour through the Project Drawdown 2020 review, summarising their action areas and connecting them to actions happening in Australia and around the world.
We explore quantified, evidence-based solutions for reversing global warming through: Improving society Supporting carbon sinks Reducing emissions Reducing emissions is much more interesting than solar panels and electric vehicles. Currently our global emissions come from:
~25% Electricity Production
~24% Food, Agriculture & Land Use
~21% Industry
~14% Transportation
~6% Buildings
~10% Other Energy-Related Emissions – leaking gas pipe lines and the like
So reducing emissions covers all those sectors – Food, Agriculture, Land Use, Industry, and Buildings – they all have a role to play alongside electricity generation and transport. There is a whole smorgasbord of commercial climate solutions already scaling – solutions that regenerate ecosystems and communities as well as our atmosphere. A whole heap are happening down under, too. Here’s an intro to help you find your piece of the action.
Drawdown 2020 Review: https://www.drawdown.org/drawdown-review Drawdown
Climate Solutions 101 – free 6-part video series: https://www.drawdown.org/climate-solutions-101
Systems Thinking: Understanding and working with human systems is fundamental to climate solutions. Meet some key systems thinkers in this video collection: https://balance3.com.au/meet-the-systems-thinkers/
Drawdown report on Education and Health: https://drawdown.org/publications/drawdown-lift-policy-brief-girls-education-and-family-planning
Oyster Reef Restoration: https://theconversation.com/huge-restored-reef-aims-to-bring-south-australias-oysters-back-from-the-brink-77405
Reef Credits: https://eco-markets.org.au/reef-credits/
Trust for Nature: https://trustfornature.org.au/
Seaweed Carbon Capture: https://whatsyour2040.com/marine-permaculture/
Food waste statistics: 14 percent of the world’s food is lost before it even reaches the market. https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/food-loss-and-waste-must-be-reduced-greater-food-security-and
Banana ‘waste’ becomes food: https://aicd.companydirectors.com.au/membership/company-director-magazine/2019-back-editions/november/this-banana-farmer-is-tackling-australias-food-waste-crisis-through-sustainable-innovation
RenewEconomy is full of ongoing renewables stories: https://reneweconomy.com.au/
TotallyRenewableYack.org.au has been doing amazing things. If you have more listening time, one telling of their story is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y032YVmx-fc
Biomimicry for smarter technology: https://asknature.org/
Circular Economy in Victoria: https://www.cev.org.au/
Green steel stories: https://reneweconomy.com.au/another-nail-in-coals-coffin-german-steel-furnace-runs-on-renewable-hydrogen-in-world-first-55906/ ), and a dedicated plant is being built in Austria (sadly, not Australia – yet) https://www.intelligentliving.co/amp/worlds-largest-zero-emissions-hydrogen-steel-plant/
The BZE 2018 report on “Electrifying Industry” https://bze.org.au/research_release/electrifying-industry/
Aussie entrepreneur like Cannon-Brookes exploring for first mover advantage https://www.manmonthly.com.au/Mike+Cannon-Brookes+looks+to+solar-powered+steel
Robot ship cleaner: https://smartmaritimenetwork.com/2020/03/16/hull-cleaning-robot-system-introduced/
Electric airplanes for cleaner, quieter Australian air travel: www.reneweconomy.com.au/how-this-electric-airplane-could-reshape-regional-air-travel-26533/

In this episode of Regenomics Down Under, we take a quick (ish) tour through the Project Drawdown 2020 review, summarising their action areas and connecting them to actions happening in Australia and around the world.
We explore quantified, evidence-based solutions for reversing global warming through: Improving society Supporting carbon sinks Reducing emissions Reducing emissions is much more interesting than solar panels and electric vehicles. Currently our global emissions come from:
~25% Electricity Production
~24% Food, Agriculture & Land Use
~21% Industry
~14% Transportation
~6% Buildings
~10% Other Energy-Related Emissions – leaking gas pipe lines and the like
So reducing emissions covers all those sectors – Food, Agriculture, Land Use, Industry, and Buildings – they all have a role to play alongside electricity generation and transport. There is a whole smorgasbord of commercial climate solutions already scaling – solutions that regenerate ecosystems and communities as well as our atmosphere. A whole heap are happening down under, too. Here’s an intro to help you find your piece of the action.
Drawdown 2020 Review: https://www.drawdown.org/drawdown-review
Drawdown Climate Solutions 101 – free 6-part video series: https://www.drawdown.org/climate-solutions-101
Systems Thinking: Understanding and working with human systems is fundamental to climate solutions. Meet some key systems thinkers in this video collection: https://balance3.com.au/meet-the-systems-thinkers/
Drawdown report on Education and Health: https://drawdown.org/publications/drawdown-lift-policy-brief-girls-education-and-family-planning
Oyster Reef Restoration: https://theconversation.com/huge-restored-reef-aims-to-bring-south-australias-oysters-back-from-the-brink-77405
Reef Credits: https://eco-markets.org.au/reef-credits/
Trust for Nature: https://trustfornature.org.au/
Seaweed Carbon Capture: https://whatsyour2040.com/marine-permaculture/
Food waste statistics: 14 percent of the world’s food is lost before it even reaches the market. https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/food-loss-and-waste-must-be-reduced-greater-food-security-and
Banana ‘waste’ becomes food: https://aicd.companydirectors.com.au/membership/company-director-magazine/2019-back-editions/november/this-banana-farmer-is-tackling-australias-food-waste-crisis-through-sustainable-innovation
RenewEconomy is full of ongoing renewables stories: https://reneweconomy.com.au/
TotallyRenewableYack.org.au has been doing amazing things. If you have more listening time, one telling of their story is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y032YVmx-fc
Biomimicry for smarter technology: https://asknature.org/
Circular Economy in Victoria: https://www.cev.org.au/
Green steel stories: https://reneweconomy.com.au/another-nail-in-coals-coffin-german-steel-furnace-runs-on-renewable-hydrogen-in-world-first-55906/ and a dedicated plant is being built in Austria (sadly, not Australia – yet) https://www.intelligentliving.co/amp/worlds-largest-zero-emissions-hydrogen-steel-plant/
The BZE 2018 report on “Electrifying Industry” https://bze.org.au/research_release/electrifying-industry/
Aussie entrepreneur like Cannon-Brookes exploring for first mover advantage https://www.manmonthly.com.au/Mike+Cannon-Brookes+looks+to+solar-powered+steel
Robot ship cleaner: https://smartmaritimenetwork.com/2020/03/16/hull-cleaning-robot-system-introduced/
Electric airplanes for cleaner, quieter Australian air travel: www.reneweconomy.com.au/how-this-electric-airplane-could-reshape-regional-air-travel-26533/